Rawlinson & Hunter is an exceptional boutique Accountancy Firm, headquartered in London but Operate worldwide. It has a prestigious and high client service reputation, providing taxation and financial advice to an enviable private and corporate client portfolio. This has been duly reflected with the firm this year winning three prestigious awards - Accountancy Firm of the Year 2017, Tax Advisory Firm of the Year 2107, and Trust Company of the Year 2017.
Reflecting the depth and breadth of tax advice expertise and the second-to-non personal service, Rawlinson & Hunter have continued to expand stealthily. This time was coupled with an untimely move from a former employee which meant a need arose in order to maintain their covetable service levels to clients, for a strong Private client Consultant to join their team who could comfortably hit the ground running. As such they would need to be qualified, with some strong experience and hold dear the values that Rawlinson & Hunter reflect.
Having worked closely with the Firm for a number of years with many successful placements, ProTax are very familiar with the teams in place and the culture fit of prospective new employees. It became clear the best course of action was to utilize our extensive internal database system, launch a full advertising campaign through methods online and in print, and to work alongside the client to identify key passive candidates to target.
Through the use of our database, an initial shortlist of ‘active’ candidates were listed and contacted. This also coincided with queries coming through from various adverts, of which one candidate, in particular, stood out. After initially speaking to them and going on to meet with them it became clear that they should be recommended for interview. An almost immediate interview was arranged between the candidate, Senior Manager and Partner which resulted in a swift offer being produced. The candidate was absolutely delighted with not only the Firm and position, but also the seemingly effortless and speed of the process. To round off the process and before the candidate began their new role, they were invited to go along and meet with further members of team outside of work to celebrate the teams’ new addition and for the candidate to get to know some faces all ready to start.